Chinland Council president calls for Chin self-administration

Image caption – Chairman of the ChinLand Council Pu Zing Cung (Photo: ChinLand Council)


Pu Zing Cung, the President of the Chinland Council, called for the self-administration of Chin State within a federal union in his New Year’s speech on 1 January 2024.

In his speech, he said that 2024 would be a crucial year for the Chin people and gave a list of four objectives that the Chin people should pursue. These are: eliminating military dictatorship, safeguarding Chin national territory, instituting a self-administrating Chin Land in Chin State, and establishing a Federal Union ensuring political and national equality.

He said: “This is the best time to eradicate the dictatorship as well as our best opportunity to achieve the right of self-administration that we have been longing to do for many years.”

To achieve this he said that all the organisations fighting the junta should join together to abolish the one-nation dictatorship and instead establish a federal democratic system.

He said that though the Chin people had suffered some setbacks in 2023 they had also had military successes when they had withstood assaults by junta troops and had even launched counter-offensives against them.

He also said that a Chinland Constitution that would enable Chin people to administer themselves, had been drawn up. A Chinland Council has also been established to build solid foundations for a self-administered Chin State in a federal system.