Spring Revolution Daily News for 2 July 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In the Southern Military Region under Ministry of Defence-NUG, the members of Monywa Revolution Force and their alliance joined No. (1) Basic Sniper Training provided by the Special Operation Force.

· On Sunday, there was a meeting via video conferencing between Committee Representing Pyitaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the representatives from Sagaing Federal Unit.

· On Sunday, there was a meeting (12/2024) between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public’s Administration and Township People’s Administration from Tanintharyi Region, Ayeyarwady Region and Bago Region.

· The Fighting Unit (3) of Yangon Regional People’s Defence Force (PDF) completed their refreshers’ course.

· A soldier from the junta army in Aungmye Tharzan Township in Mandalay Region defected to Yinmabin District PDF (20), along with weapons. Reportedly, he will be rewarded over 80 lakh MMK.

· The PDF (9703) completed their basic military training Batch (1).

Revolution Activities

· The military junta sentenced 5-year imprisonment to a journalist and a staff member of Development Media Group based in Rakhine State. Regarding it, the BNI and all the member organizations considered it unfair and expressed their condemnation on Monday.

· In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, a social group donated a meal to those from 3 IDP camps.

· In Yinmabin North, a combined rally of local villages marched for the downfall of the military dictatorship.

· On Monday morning, there was a battle between the junta army and the revolution forces on Moegoke-Mandalay Road. Consequently, local people have been trapped on their way from Moegoke to Mandalay.

· People’s Security Force (Yesagyo) will conduct a campaign named ‘Palm Fruit Snack’ intended to earn 600 lakh MMK from 16 June to 31 July.

· In Myitkyina, the water level reached up to four feet more than the point of concern due to rising water level in the Ayeyarwady River at 6:00 am Monday. Reportedly, the low-land wards in town have been flooded.

· In Yay Township of Mon State, a local leader of Pyusawti Militia from Kundu Village was caught alive on Sunday evening.

· The Political Prisoners’ Network Myanmar conducted their 7th photo campaign themed – ‘Don’t shut lives down. Open them up’.

· In Kyimyindine Township of Yangon Region, the public carried out a movement in support of the religious strike by monks on Monday.

· According to the PPNM, 17 political prisoners have lost their lives within six months due to inhumane treatment and insufficient healthcare in prisons.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· On Sunday, the CDF-Matupi Brigade (1) announced that despite their control of the junta camps in Matupi of Chin State, the public are not to enter the town and nearby villages for safety and security reasons.

· In Moegoke of Mandalay Region, Ta’ang National Liberation Army seized control of the junta’s Shwe Myet Wun Camp. Until the sixth day of the operation, there still has been heavy fighting in Moegoke Township, Naungcho Township and Moemait Township.

· In Nyaunglebin District under Karen National Union, there was a battle between the junta army and Karen National Defence Organization Brigade (3). Reportedly, over 270 junta soldiers died and more than 150 others were injured within six months.

The Military Council

· In Kyaukme Township and Naungcho Township of Northern Shan State, the junta army conducted bombings on Sunday night, destroying Kambawza Shan Monastery and many public’s houses.

· The junta’s Myanmar Rice Federation have detained rice traders and the responsible personnel from shopping centres and stores, accusing them of selling rice for higher prices more than the monthly reference rate. Reportedly, they would take action against them.

· Myanmar delegation led by former President U Thein Sein arrived back home after attending The Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence held in Beijing of China.

· According to the junta’s Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, half of the companies still need to repay their COVID loans.

Summary on 2 July

· The military junta has printed a large amount of money, causing hyperinflation and the sharp rise of general expenses. As they have failed to resolve the root cause, they have made traders and sellers sell products with fixed prices. In reality, they themselves have not been able to sell enough quantity all over the country and the same is true for dealers. However, they have arrested those who cannot sell using the reference prices. In addition, they have done the same to Japanese business people with foreign investments. Consequently, foreign investors in the country might leave Myanmar soon.