Spring Revolution Daily News for 17 January 2024

Spring Revolution Daily News 17Jan

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· The Acting President of the NUG stated that they not only practice active and free foreign policies but also adopt practical foreign attitudes.

· At 10:00 am Monday, there was a meeting between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration- NUG and Township People’s Administration Teams from Sagaing Region, Magwe Region and Mandalay Region.

· At 3:00 pm Monday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration- NUG and Township People’s Administration from Sagaing Region.

· According to the Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risks Management- NUG, they have been able to provide humanitarian aid worth 10.51 billion MMK or 5.01 million USD from April 2021 after the military coup up to 31 December 2023.

· On Monday, the NUG announced that it had designated seven ancient towns in Mandalay Region as being part of Myanmar’s cultural heritage.

Revolutionary Activities

· The Political Prisoners’ Network Myanmar stated that a CDM firefighter and political prisoner, who had been imprisoned at Kyaik Mayaw Prison in Mon State under the charge of Section 51 (a), had died.

· In Minbya of Rakhine State, there was heavy fighting between the junta army and the Arakan Army (AA) on Tuesday. Reportedly, the military junta carried out aerial attacks on the area.

· The media organizations and civil society organizations called for the release of all the media people who have been unlawfully arrested since the military coup, including documentary director Shin Daywi who had been sentenced to lifelong imprisonment.

· In Yangon Region, there were two bomb explosions in front of the junta’s Criminal Investigation Department on Mingalardone Road at about 7:00 pm Monday.

· In Natoegyi Township of Mandalay Region, a clerk of the junta administration department from Ywar Gyi Village was shot dead.

· In Sagaing of Sagaing Region, there was a bomb explosion with no casualties.

· In Madayar Township of Mandalay Region, the junta army fired mortars to Ohn Gone Village though there was no fighting in the area. Reportedly, an old woman lost her life and 5 people got injured.

· In Waw Township and Kyauk Dagar Township of Bago Region, a local chair and a member of the township committee from the Union Solidarity and Development Party were shot dead. Additionally, three Pyusawti members were arrested.

· The People’s Liberation Army announced that they regarded 12 members who had lost lives in the battle to seize Theinni of Northern Shan State as martyrs.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· The Kachin Independence Army stated that a junta fighter jet had been shot down in Nam Phet Kar Village of Kutkhine Township on Tuesday morning.

· In Titain Township of Chin State, a combined force of CDFs took control of the junta’s Thein Ngin Camp on Tuesday morning.

· On Monday morning, a combined force of the KIA and PDFs took control of the junta’s base Ka-Ma-Ya (123) in Nam Phet Kar of Shan State.

The Military Council

· The junta’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its support for the One China Policy and it stated that Taiwan is just a part of China, which cannot be divided from the mainland.

· In Minbya of Rakhine State, the junta army dropped 500-pound bombs from the air on Tuesday morning.

· On Monday, there was a meeting between the junta’s Rakhine State Chief Minister and the relevant responsible personnel about holding exams in Rakhine State amidst heavy fighting.

Summary on 17 January

· Despite a ceasefire in Northern Shan State, there has been heavy fighting in Rakhine State. The military junta has had to let go of their towns and camps in such fighting. In other words, they are on the verge of collapse.