UK embassy offers statement of support for Myanmar women


Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Yangon, Mary-Kate Thomson, and other international partners issued a statement recognising the courage of Myanmar women on International Women’s Day, 8 March.

The text of the statement is below:

“On International Women’s Day, we recognize the bravery of the women of Myanmar, who had an important role in protesting against the February 2021 military coup. These women continue to lead efforts to establish an inclusive democracy in Myanmar, while also supporting and caring for their families. Through their actions every day, they demonstrate to all of us the importance of striving for an inclusive, peaceful, and democratic future.

“Women and girls are increasingly vulnerable to violence. Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, in all forms and locations, including conflict-related sexual violence, is everyone’s responsibility. At the same time, we must improve access to support for survivors of such violence. The participation of women in the political and peace processes is critically important to establish and sustain peace and security.

“Women and girls of all backgrounds and abilities should play a central role in defining Myanmar’s future.

“As women ourselves, we and our governments remain firm in our commitment to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.”