Some PDFs turning away new recruits due to funding shortfalls

Photo:Lay Hlaing


Despite many people asking to join people’s defence forces (PDFs) to avoid being conscripted by the junta some PDFs are unable to accept new recruits because they cannot afford it.
Following the announcement of the Conscription Law on 10 February more than 50 young men and women reached out to the Tada-U Township PDF asking to join, but the PDF was unable to take them all.

“We’re facing challenges with the growing number of recruits, as we must procure additional food supplies and cover living expenses. Unlike regular battalions, we lack a designated monthly food allocation and rely solely on donations”, said Ko Lay Hlaing, the deputy commander of the Tada-U Township PDF.

Whilst defence forces operating under the National Unity Government’s (NUG’s) Ministry of Defence (MOD) receive funding from the NUG local PDFs have to rely on donations from the public and as a result, some are facing funding problems, according to a member of a Mandalay based local PDF.

They explained: “We’re receiving inquiries from people, but we’re unable to accommodate them due to insufficient funds. Additionally, we encounter challenges in providing weapons to new recruits.”

Since the first week in March, the junta has been conducting censuses and forcing people to attend public meetings about conscription in several Mandalay Region townships. As a result, many people from Mandalay have been trying to join defence forces in the area.

“It’s imperative to ensure that food rations and ammunition are supplied to the respective LPDF and guerrilla forces. They must be financially robust and well-equipped”, said a member of a Mandalay-based local PDF.

Other defence forces and ethnic armed organisations have said that they can take on new recruits and have sent out calls asking for applications. They include the Karen National Union (KNU) the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), the Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA), and forces operating under the NUG such as the Mandalay People’s Defense Force, the Royal Peacock Column, Kalay District Battalion No. (4), Shwebo District Battalion No. (14), Ye-U PDF, and Myeik District Battalion (2).