NUG expresses its condolences on death of KIA Military Chief-of-Staff


On the afternoon of 14 May, the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) released a statement expressing its profound sorrow and condolences on the passing of Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum, the Military Chief-of-Staff of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum, aged 62, passed away on 13 May, after battling liver cancer. In response to his death, the NUG Ministry of Defence paid tribute to his memory by lowering the flag of the People’s Defence Army to half-mast, a solemn gesture honoring his service and contributions.

“It is very sad and heartbreaking to lose someone who is working for the liberation of the country, the liberation of the people, the liberation of the whole country,” said Soe Thura Tun, the NUG Union Minister of Electricity and Energy.

Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum had served as the commander of the civilian NUG’s Military Region 1, which comprises northern Myanmar and Kachin State. He had been a front-line commander, personally leading Kachin troops in battles against regime forces. 

A former Yangon University student, he made the pivotal decision to dedicate his life to the cause of the rebel troops during the 1988 uprising, forsaking his academic pursuits for the path of resistance and liberation.

“He played the guitar. While attending Yangon University, he was a bass guitar player. If he hadn’t been a soldier, he would have been in the music industry”, said a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldier who had met Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum.

He was described by PDF soldiers who underwent KIA military training as a military strategy expert with strong leadership qualities.

“I still remember your words of wisdom when you visited our front line in early 2024, urging us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. We will continue the revolution until the end, just as you taught us, General,” wrote a People’s Defence Force member from Sagaing Region on social media, reflecting on the enduring impact of Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum’s guidance and leadership.

Dr. Tayzar San, a prominent figure in the Spring Revolution in Myanmar, said on his social media: ”I had the privilege to know and witness the General’s profound military philosophy, extensive military expertise, and unwavering political principles”, highlighting the depth of his admiration and respect for Lt. Gen. R Hkawng Lum’s contributions and character.