Myanmar junta airstrikes in Mogok and Kyaukme kill Buddhist novice and nun


A Buddhist novice and a nun were killed, and many were injured in separate Myanmar junta airstrikes on Mogok town in Mandalay region and Kyaukme town in Shan State on 27 June, according to local residents.

One airstrike occurred around 7:00 pm on 27 June when a bomb dropped by a Military Council jet fighter exploded on a monastery in Shantaw quarter, Mogok town. One novice was killed and at least four were injured, according to a Mogok resident.

“It happened while novices were worshiping. The roof of the monastery opened, and debris fell on the novices due to the bomb. One novice passed away in the ambulance on the way to town hospital. Two of the others injured are in critical condition,” the Mogok resident said.

In Kyaukme town, a nun from Inkyin Taung monastery in Ward (8) was killed, and another nun was injured on the evening of 27 June. Several civilians who were at monastery were injured, but the exact details are not yet known, according to Kyaukme residents.

Joint forces led by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) have been attacking Military Council camps in Mogok township in the Mandalay region and Kyaukme township in northern Shan State since 25 June. The military council has responded with airstrikes and artillery fire. As of the date of this report, the fighting is said to be ongoing.

The TNLA reported civilian casualties due to the air and artillery attacks by the Military Council. Social aid groups in Kyaukme town cremated and buried 23 bodies of junta members and civilians who died during the battle in Kyaukme over a period of four days. Of the bodies buried, only seven were civilians.

In Mogok town, at least five civilians have been killed during the four days of fighting, residents said. However, the exact details have not yet been confirmed due to the intense fighting and difficulties in communication.