Spring Revolution Daily News for 30 June 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • In Indaw Township of Sagaing Region, a combined force of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) attacked a troop contingent of 14 junta soldiers led by a captain in Nantthar Village and seized control of their camp on Friday morning.
  • In Thegone Township of Bago Region, there was a mine attack on a rainy season tree planting event by the junta armed forces and other staff. Reportedly, 3 junta soldiers died.
  • In Kyunghla Township of Sagaing Region, No. (1) Military Region Force attacked the junta army trying to station in the area. Reportedly, there were a large number of casualties among junta soldiers. In addition, 2 prisoners of war were caught and 8 weapons were confiscated.
  • Ministry of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risks Management-NUG announced that they had provided aid worth 486.7 million MMK to those in need in May.
  • Along with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG, the Union Minister of Human Rights-NUG attended the launch event of the Congressional Burma Caucus by those from the U.S. Lower House interested in Myanmar’s affairs in Washington D.C. in the U.S. on Thursday.
  • In the Southern Military Region under Ministry of Defence-NUG, the basic sniper training Batch (1) tutored by trainers from Special Operation Force completed their training on Saturday.

Revolution Activities

  • In Lashio with the junta’s Northeast Military Headquarters, the battle started on Saturday afternoon.
  • In Kyaukme of Northern Shan State, there still has been heavy fighting. Reportedly, thousands of local people have had to run away to nearby villages and monasteries, and they have been in need of assistance.
  • In Butalin Township of Sagaing Region, there were attacks on the junta armed forces. Reportedly, about 20 junta soldiers died.
  • In Switzerland, members of the Myanmar community protested against Sitagu Sayadaw visiting the Myanmar mission in Geneva, placing stickers – “Fake monk, Terrorist Monk”.
  • In memory of the abbot of Win Nimmita Monastery in Bago- Ashin Munindra, a rally protested against the military dictatorship.
  • As a 1141-day protest, a combined rally of Yinmabin and Salingyi expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.
  • In Dibeyin Township, the monks conducted a religious strike against the military dictatorship. They also marched together with the public and students on Friday.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • According to Ta’ang National Liberation Army, the junta army blew up 5 bridges, including two bridges connecting with Lashio.
  • In Naungcho Township of Northern Shan State, the TNLA attacked the junta’s Ka-La-Ya (146) at the View Point. Reportedly, they confiscated 10 dead bodies of junta soldiers and many weapons.
  • In Ahm Township of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army attacked and seized the junta’s Taw Hein Taung Strategic Camp. Afterwards, the junta army conducted an aerial bombing there at about 1:00 am Saturday.
  • In Naungcho Township, the junta’s Ka-Ma-Ya (606) has been left alone. In Kyaukme, the TNLA has continued fighting against the junta’s Ka-Ma-Ya (501) and Ka-Ma-Ya (502).
  • The TNLA stated that 11 civilians had lost their lives and many others had been injured due to the junta’s aerial attacks and heavy weapons on Friday.
  • In Sawti Township of Bago Region, the junta army conducted a bomb attack via drone on Kaukmethu Village. According to Karen National Union, 7 civilians had lost their lives.

The Military Council

  • The junta leader Min Aung Hlaing revoked the prestigious titles given to the imprisoned generals; Soe Htut, Moe Myint Tun, Ko Ko Maung and Myat Thet Oo.
  • The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry stated that the call for action against international banks and local banks contained in the report by the UNHRC had a significant impact on the national economy.
  • In the conference on Chinese Traditional Medicine, the junta’s Health Minister stated that they would promote traditional medicines via modern technology for their quality, efficacy, safety and usability.
  • At a luncheon commemorating the 70th anniversary of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in Beijing of China, former President U Thein Sein delivered a speech.
  • The junta team announced that the military training Batch (1) intended for defence and safety of the nation had been completed.

Summary on 30 June

  • Within two days of the Second Wave of the northern 1027 Operation, the revolution forces have been able to seize over 20 junta camps and gain control of two towns. They have also been able to quickly approach Lashio where the junta’s Northeast Military Headquarters lies.