Spring Revolution Daily News for 1 July 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· In Sagaing Region, Yinmabin District People’s Defence Force (35) completed their basic military training Batch (4).

· In Sintku Township of Mandalay Region, a combined force of the PDFs conducted bomb attacks via drone on the junta’s stations of heavy weapons.

· In Pekone Township of Karenni State, there was a local battle on Loikaw-Moebye Road. According to Pekone PDF (1006), there were casualties among junta soldiers.

· In Melbourne of Australia, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs-NUG had a meeting with the public on Friday.

Revolution Activities

· In Moegoke of Mandalay Region, a large number of people have been trapped in the fighting, which started on 25 June. As they have had to suffer from the junta’s aerial attacks and heavy weapons, they have been willing to leave the area.

· In Madayar Township, there have been heavy battles near the junta’s Alpha cement factory for four consecutive days. Reportedly, the junta army has been carrying out aerial bombings.

· In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, the monks have been on a religious strike. Reportedly, they led a march, holding anti-junta signs, on Sunday.

· As a 1142-day protest, a combined rally of Salingyi and Yinmabin expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.

· In Butalin, there were attacks on the junta stations in town; Moe Residence, CB Bank, Myanma Economics Bank, Police Station and General Administration Department at about 3:00 pm on 27 June.

· In Myinmu Township, the monks got together on Saturday and they conducted a religious strike.

· In Kawlin Township, From the People to the People provided a litre of sunflower oil to each household of displaced people.

· In the Second Wave of the 1027 Operation in Northern Shan State, the People’s Liberation Army has been fighting together with the alliance including Ta’ang National Liberation Army since 25 June.

· The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield stated that the U.S. has been in support of the call on all UN member states to ban the sales of jet fuel to Myanmar’s military junta.

· In Yesagyo Township of Magway Region, the PDFs conducted a bomb attack via drone on Hsin Chaung Village armed by the junta army. Reportedly, there were casualties.

· In Usan of South Korea, a combined rally of Korean and Myanmar conducted their 115th protest against the military coup in Myanmar.

· In Thayetchaung Township of Tanintharyi Region, there was a public’s campaign against the military dictatorship on Saturday.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Kyaukme and Naungcho of Northern Shan State and Moegoke of Mandalay Region, 22 civilians have lost their lives and about 30 others have been injured within five days of the Operation 1027 Second Wave since 25 June, according to Ta’ang National Liberation Army.

· According to the TNLA, 53 junta soldiers including colonels have given up arms during the Operation 1027 Second Wave.

· In Matupi of Chin State, Chin Brotherhood Forces announced on Saturday that they had attacked the junta armed forces in the area and they had seized control of the town as well.

· The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army stated that there had been on the defensive due to the junta’s breach of the ceasefire.

· In the north of Lashio in Northern Shan State, the junta army invaded Namphooyaing Area under the MNDAA. Reportedly, 2 comrades of the MNDAA lost lives.

The Military Council

· In Myeik, Myanmar hosted the 36th meeting of Border Committees of Myanmar and Thailand at Pale Thandar Hotel on Friday. Present at the opening ceremony were the delegation from both sides and departmental officials.

· A Thai delegation led by Lt. Gen. Prasan Saengsirirak met with the second junta leader Soe Win in Naypyidaw.

· On the morning of 28 June, regional military headquarters conducted events on completion of basic military training Batch (1).

Summary on 1 July

· In the battles in Northern Shan State, the junta army has had a great loss. As usual, they have conducted aerial bombings on public’s houses. In addition, they have not allowed local people in some towns to leave the area and they have misused them as human shields. Again, they have openly committed war crimes.