Myanmar junta murders 106 children in first four months of 2024


106 children under the age of 18 have been killed in Myanmar as a result of junta actions from 1 January to 30 April 2024, according to the military council across Myanmar from 1 January to 30 April, 2024.

Of the 106 child deaths 66 were boys and 40 were girls, including a 10-month old girl. Sagaing Region with 29 child deaths was the region that recorded the highest number of deaths.

Of those fatalities half, 53, were caused by junta airstrikes.

An AAPP representative said: “Based on the figures we have released, it’s evident that all these individuals lost their lives due to the actions of Military Council soldiers, including airstrikes, artillery shelling, and brutal arrests. In addition, the Military Council’s airstrikes, particularly those targeting places like schools and hospitals, are deeply concerning.”

As well as children, junta actions also killed 87 people over the age of 60 from 1 January to 30 April, 2024., according to AAPP. Of those, 48 were men and 39 were women. The biggest junta killer of people over 60 was artillery fire which killed 39 of them. The region with the most deaths of people over 60 during those four months was Sagaing Region with 39 deaths.

The AAPP representative said that data on human rights violations committed by the Myanmar junta gathered by AAPP will be forwarded to the relevant UN organoisations for them to document the abuses and take action on them.