NUG calls for protection of civilians in Buthidaung Township


A National Unity Government (NUG) statement about the situation in Buthidaung Township, northern Rakhine State has called for the protection of civilians, their houses and goods, and the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

The Arakan Army (AA) took control of Buthidaung Town by 18 May 2024. Since then unconfirmed reports allege that the AA has set fire to Rohingya houses in Buthidaung Township.

The NUG statement condemns the junta for instigating inter-communal conflict, large-scale destruction and bombing.

It also says: “Some distressing reports also allege that an unconfirmed number of civilians have been killed and wounded. We are deeply concerned that violations in northern Rakhine State may be ongoing.”

Though the NUG statement does not mention the AA by name it says that abuse of civilians in northern Rakhine State, large parts of which are now controlled by the AA, are ongoing.

Obtaining accurate reports of what is happening on the ground in Buthidaung has been hard and Mizzima is yet to receive verified reports of what has happened there.

Below is the 21 May NUG statement in full:

The National Unity Government is alarmed by grave reports on the situation in Buthidaung Township in northern Rakhine State. The terrorist Military Council is purportedly making inter-communal conflict by creating chaos and large-scale destruction, bombing and aerial attacks on villages. Rakhine, Rohingya and Hindu civilians are being forced to move and their houses are being burnt.

Some distressing reports also allege that an unconfirmed number of civilians have been killed and wounded. We are deeply concerned that violations in northern Rakhine State may be ongoing.

The National Unity Government joins others in calling for the cessation of all attacks on civilians and civilian property; for the protection of all civilians, property, and objects, particularly those persons most vulnerable; and for the immediate and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance to all persons in need, including cross border.

The National Unity Government is fully committed to its international humanitarian and human rights law obligations, including through our military Code of Conduct. We hold ourselves to this standard and expect the same of all actors and forces in Myanmar.

The National Unity Government has repeatedly acknowledged that shameful past actions and failures in Myanmar allowed horrendous atrocities to be committed against minority communities, including the Rohingya, Rakhine, and others in Rakhine State. We are committed to ensuring that these crimes are never repeated. All attempts to foment divisions between ethnic communities must end.

We remain committed to the shared vision of structural change for all our people to live in peace, not only for regime change. We must continue to build trust, mutual respect, understanding and tolerance.

We will also work with UN bodies and international mechanisms to support justice, and with UN entities in Myanmar to help implement the Rosenthal report’s recommendations.