Chin forces take control of two Falam district towns on Indian border


Chin revolutionary forces have seized two towns in Tonzang Township in Falam District, Chin State on the border with India, according to the Chin National Army (CNA).

The Chin defence forces started their offensive in Tonzang Township on 15 May. On the morning of 19 May the defence forces took control of of Cikha Town in Tonzang Township and occupied the police station and the Infantry Battalion 269 base there.

The troops from the Infantry Battalion 269 base and the police from the Cikha Police Station retreated to Tonzang Town where they regrouped at the former Covid isolation centre and the Progress of Border Areas and National Races Development Affairs office in Tonzang Town.

On 21 May the Chin defence forces cleared out all the junta forces and took control of Tonzang Town.

Salai Htet Ni, a spokesperson for the Chin National Army (CNA) said: “We entered the outposts of the Military Council and their subordinates on the morning of 21 May, cleared out the weapons and bodies, and we can now say that we have captured the town. We are currently pursuing those who fled.”

He also told Mizzima that during the takeover of the two towns the Chin Defence forces recovered the bodies of 11 junta soldiers and a stockpile of ammunition. The junta has not yet released casualty figures, but said on its Telegram channels that its outposts in Tonzang Township were being attacked by a large force.

A 26-year-old resistance fighter also died during the fighting for Tonzang Town, according to an official from the Hualngoram Chin Defence Force (CDF).

The Chin revolutionary forces involved in the takeover of Cikha Town and Tonzang Town included the Chin National Army (CNA), CDF-Tonzang, CDF-Thantlang, the People’s Defense Army (PDA) -Tedim, CDF-CDM-Siyin, CDF-Hualngoram, Yaw Defense Force (YDF), Asho CDF, CDF-KKG, CDF-Hakha, CDF-Zanniatram, CDF-Matupi, and CDF-Paletwa.