Spring Revolution Daily News for 8 January 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· On Saturday, the Ministry of Defence- NUG equipped the PDFs in Tanintharyi Region with weapons.

· The Ministry of Defence- NUG recognized Homalin People’s Defense Force – HPDF 124 as Kanty District Regiment (3).

· The Patron of the Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) stated that it is necessary to have a constitution that is inclusive of all Chin nationalities and ensures self-determination in Chin State for the establishment of a federal democratic union in Myanmar.

· In Tilin Township, a rally of youth and students, protected by local defence forces, marched against the military dictatorship.

Revolutionary Activities

· In Tamu Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army conducted a bomb attack on Kanan Village near Kampet Town. Reportedly, 10 people including children lost their lives.

· In the town of Yinmabin, a combined force of PDFs carried out attacks with heavy weapons on the junta’s police station and forestry department.

· In Wetlet Township, a junta vessel was attacked for about two hours on its way to strengthen Shein Makar Police Station. Consequently, it retreated before they made it to the camp.

· In a village of Salingyi Township, there was an event in memory of 10 PDF members who had been ruthlessly burnt to death by the junta army two years and a month ago. They also expressed their objection to the military dictatorship.

· In Khin-U Township, the junta army raided Thanbo Village. They arrested a mentally-ill villager and over 1,500 people had to run away.

· In Kyone Pyaw Township of Ayeyarwady Region, a junta-appointed hundred-household leader and one of his followers were shot dead in Maguyoe Village at about 5:00 pm Saturday.

· In Natoegyi Township of Mandalay Region, there was a mine attack on a junta convoy between Kan Village and Kannaung Village. Reportedly, 2 junta soldiers were seriously injured.

· In the interim third meeting, the Central Committee of the National League for Democracy (NLD) decided to call for the release of all political prisoners including their Chair Daw Aung San Suu Kyi without any exception.

· In Yangon Region, young people conducted a movement themed ‘Junta soldiers, will you give up or die?’ in Kandawgyi Park on Sunday morning.

· In Yesagyo Township of Magwe Region, there was an attack on a junta vehicle on its way to send rations to the Shin Ma Taung Area. Reportedly, the whole car was seized.

· In San Francisco in California State in the US, Spring Revolution forces, ethnic organisations, young students and support heroes took part in the 121st anti-junta movement for the liberation of Myanmar.

· In Gumi in South Korea, there was a collection to pay for food fo refugees from fighting in Myanmar.

Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs)

· In Monywa of Sagaing Region, there was an attack via mortars on the junta’s Northwest Military Headquarters while they were celebrating Independence Day on Thursday.

· After the attack on the junta’s Shin Let Wa Camp based in Paletwa Township, Chin State, local forces were looking for junta soldiers who had run away from the camp. Reportedly, 6 junta soldiers died and 10 others were caught alive.

· In Kyauktaw Township of Rakhine State, all the junta soldiers from Taung Shay Taung Camp defected to the Arakan Army at about 9:00 pm Saturday.

· In Kutkhine of Northern Shan State, there was still fighting on Saturday, according to Ta’ang National Liberation Army.

· In Winemaw Township of Kachin State, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) took control of a junta militia camp.

· Despite junta air strikes, a combined force of the KIA and PDF took control of the junta’s Karan Tiran Camp in Putao District.

· In Pauktaw Township of Rakhine State, the junta army fired mortars. Subsequently, two local men lost their lives and 3 others were injured. In Kyauktaw Township, a woman was seriously injured as she stepped on a mine set by the junta army.

· In Tandabin Township of Taungoo District in Bago Region, the members of the Karen National Liberation Army set fire to camp No. (2) which had been abandoned by junta soldiers.

The Military Council

· In Yathay Taung of Rakhine State, the cost of living has increased more than 10 times over a period of 8 weeks during which the junta army has blockaded transport routes.

· The junta leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said again that they would try to hold an election with dignity and transfer power to the winning political party.

· The junta leader said that they would fulfill the needs of political parties as much as possible and they would take sustainability into consideration.

Summary on 8 January

· With a great loss on the ground, the junta army tends to bomb the people’s houses. They did it in Kanan Village near Kampet Town, killing many people including children. They have committed war crimes by attacking civilians on purpose.