Spring Revolution Daily News for 29 January 2024

Spring Revolution Daily News 29 Jan

The National Unity Government (NUG)

· Union Prime Minister of the NUG Man Win Khine Than sent a message to the public’s movement of unity for the Spring Coming Home.

· In Mancy Township of Kachin State, the Military Chief Officer of Kachin Independence Army and the Minister of Defence-NUG went to the camps, towns and villages seized in Manwinegyi Area.

· On 22 January, there was an online meeting between the responsible personnel of the National Health Committee and the healthcare teams carrying out activities in Karenni State.

· At 10:00 am Saturday, there was a meeting among the Union Prime Minister of the NUG, the responsible personnel from Ministry of International Cooperations and the CDM staff.

· Dawna Column successfully completed their military training. Reportedly, Mon State Revolution Force, Yay Guerrilla Force, Kanbauk PDF, Yay Hawk PDF and Dawei Defence Team joined it.

Revolution Activities

· In Seik Phyu Township of Magwe Region, the junta army has been invading the area. Reportedly, they have arrested five locals for no apparent reason for six days.

· Pakkoku District PDF Regiment (14) and (15) completed their refreshers’ course and awarded outstanding trainees.

· In Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, no less than 17 junta soldiers died in an attack by a combined force of PDFs. Reportedly, the rest of them have been stationing in the compound of No. (1) High School in Pale for medical treatment.

· In Myingyan Township of Mandalay Region, the junta army and Pyusawti killed five young people and discarded their bodies on the roadside.

· Mandalay Strike Committee expressed their desire, holding signs which call for each and everyone in the country to fight for their own rights.

· In Southern Shan State, the town of Sisai has been on fire since Sunday afternoon.

· In California, United States, Myanmar Liberation Committee conducted their 122nd movement for true peace in front of San Fransisco Hall.

· In Usan of South Korea, a combined rally of Myanmar and Korean people protested against Myanmar’s military dictatorship.

· On Sunday, there was an anti-junta protest, along with a press conference, in front of the junta’s Embassy in Seoul of South Korea.

· In Yinmabin Township of Sagaing Region, a local rally named ‘Shwe Ye Kyi with the Flag of Victory’ marched against the military dictatorship on Sunday.

· In Laos, the ASEAN Foreign Ministerial Meeting got started on Sunday. Reportedly, they will discuss Myanmar’s affairs.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

· In Karenni State, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force was able to control Mawchi Area, where valuable minerals can be produced, without having to fight.

· Pa-O National Federal Council expressed their support for the statement by Pa-O National Liberation Organization, which mentioned that the PNLO/PNLA would join hands with brotherhood organizations for the downfall of the military dictatorship and for the emergence of federal democracy of the public’s aspiration. The PNFC also stated that they would cooperate with the PNLO/PNLA.

· On Saturday, the junta army and one of their militias- Pa-O National Organization conducted air strikes and fired heavy weapons on Sisai of Southern Shan State without any local battle.

· In Nyaunglebin District under Karen National Union, there were a large number of casualties among junta soldiers in the battle in Mone Township.

The Military Council

· The junta’s Peace Committee called on Pa-O National Liberation Organization to seek their political aspiration through meetings.

· The Chair of the junta’s Central Bank of Myanmar stated that Indian Rupee could be used for the direct payment in the trade between Myanmar and India starting from February.

· Along with the banquet, the prize-awarding ceremony for the 23rd Arts and Science Research Conference was held at Naypyidaw State Academy. Present on the occasion were the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and his wife.

· Kun San Lwin, a member of the military junta, along with the junta’s Shan State Chief Minister, the junta’s Shan State Ministers, the Chair of Pa-O Self-Administered Region and other responsible personnel, went to San Phoo Monastery in Hopone Township and donated items and money to the abbot.

· The junta propaganda newspapers claim that the battles news and the junta’s intentional attacks on civilians mentioned by independent media is false news.

Summary on 29 January

· Despite the junta’s Peace Committee calling on Pa-O National Liberation Army for a discussion, the military junta has been attacking Pa-O people on the ground. On the other hand, they have been trying to spread the propaganda by donating money to Pa-O monks.