Spring Revolution Daily News for 25 February 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG)

  • On Friday, there was a meeting between the NUG Central Committee on the Interim Public Administration and Township People’s Administration from Sagaing Region.

Revolution Activities

  • The Reporters Without Borders called on the military junta to free 62 journalists as soon as possible.
  • In Natoegyi Township of Mandalay Region, the revolution forces conducted a guerrilla attack on a troop of about 100 junta soldiers near Phaungchin Village. Reportedly, seven junta members died.
  • In Ngazun Township, PDFs carried out a mine attack on the junta army inspecting door to door if there were any PDF members.
  • In Kyaukgyi Township of Bago Region, there was a local battle on Friday.
  • In Myitkyina Township of Kachin State, a combined force led by Kachin Independence Army attacked the junta army Ka-La-Ya (141) near Hsinbo on Saturday morning.
  • In Taze Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army set fire to Kantoma Village after their local police station had been seized.
  • Burmese Women’s Union reported that 708 Myanmar women had lost their lives within 6 months due to the rape and murder of the junta army.

Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs)

  • In Hopone Township of Southern Shan State, Pa-O National Liberation Army attacked and took control of the junta camp near Lwe Woe Tote Village on Friday.
  • In Maungtaw of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army (AA) gained complete control of the junta’s Yan Aung Pyin Camp on Friday.
  • In Ponnagyun Township and Minbya Township of Rakhine State, the AA has been attacking the last junta camps in the area.
  • In Kalay Township of Sagaing Region, the junta army arrested and killed three members of Chin National Defence Force including the Deputy Chief Commander and the women near Aung Tharyar Village.
  • In the southwest of Kalay Township, a combination of the revolution forces took control of Satkant Village, where the junta army had been stationing.

The Military Council

  • According to the junta’s Ministry of Information, about 700 people were arrested in Tachileik of Shan State as they had been involved in online gambling and swindling.
  • Personnel from Mashala Tech CO. Ltd, an online loan organization, were arrested for their threats to customers to repay their online loans with a high interest rate.
  • According to the military junta, a drug gang, along with narcotic drugs and weapons (worth nearly 45 billion MMK) intended for import to Malaysia, was arrested.
  • The junta propaganda leader Major General Zaw Min Tun claimed that the AA and the ARSA had imported narcotic drugs into Rakhine State.
  • In Taunggoke Township of Rakhine State, a female elephant named Zar Nan Hla gave birth to a white baby elephant at the junta’s Myanmar’s Timber Department at 6:30 am Saturday. Reportedly, both of them are in good health.

Summary on 25 February

  • Since the ages of monarchy, it has been claimed that a good ruler has white elephants. Throughout the military rule in Myanmar, such white elephants have appeared out of nowhere one after another. According to the junta propaganda, the same thing has happened in the administration of the junta leader Min Aung Hlaing after the coup. They have been playing a trick on the public that he is a good king, covering up his crimes of murder and arson.