Japanese minister meets Myanmar ethnic representatives


Mr Komura Masahiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan received a courtesy call from a delegation of representatives from ethnic organizations of Myanmar and others in Tokyo, according to a press release 14 May.

The meeting took place on 14 May and lasted about 20 minutes.

Although the Japanese government did not say who attended the meeting, sources indicate the representatives included the Kachin Independence Army, Karenni National Progressive Party, Karen National Union, Chin National front and a National Unity Government representative.

The two people seen in the photo with Mr Komura are Chairman of the Karenni State Consultative Council, Khu Oo Reh and Padon Saw Kwe Htoo Win, chairman of the Karen National Union.

Parliamentary Vice-Minister Komura met with the representatives of ethnic organizations and others to exchange views on the current situation in Myanmar. Mr. Komura said that the Government of Japan would continue its efforts to find a way out of the current impasse through dialogue with various stakeholders in Myanmar.

In response, the representatives of the ethnic organizations expressed their appreciation for the consistent support to Myanmar provided by the Government and people of Japan and also their expectations for Japan’s role in resolving the situation in Myanmar.

Both sides confirmed that they would continue to closely communicate with each other toward a peaceful resolution of the situation in Myanmar.