European Rohingya Council concerned about civilians in Rakhine State


In its latest statement on 14 May the European Rohingya Council (ERC) expressed its concern about the fate of civilians in Rakhine State.

With this statement it joined the United Nations and other organisations that have already expressed their concerns for civilians caught up in conflict in Rakhine State. 

Below, is the 14 May statement from the ERC. It refers to Rakhine State by its historical name of Arakan State:

The European Rohingya Council (ERC) condemns in the strongest possible terms all forms of crimes being perpetrated against civilians and their properties in Arakan State, Myanmar.

As a community which has experienced the systematic mass destruction of villages, properties and places of worship during the campaigns of genocide in 2016 and 2017, the Rohingya community is disturbed and traumatised to witness the attack on civilians and the destruction of their properties in the recent months.

It is imperative that the civilians and their properties regardless of race and religion must be protected at all time.

Targeting civilian population and civilian property not only violates the International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and also  creates and inflames tensions between the two communities in Arakan State.

The European Rohingya Council calls upon every stakeholder to protect and respect all civilian lives, their properties and psychological wellbeing with humanity.

The ERC’s stated mission is to see Rohingya people live in peace and harmony with other ethnic minorities in their own ancestral land of Arakan (Rakhine) State in Myanmar.