Junta has executed 10 female NLD members since coup


Ten women members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) have been arbitrarily executed by the Myanmar junta since the 1 February 2021 coup, according to Dr. Daw May Win Myint, the Chairperson of the NLD’s Central Women’s Committee.

In addition to the ten female NLD members executed by the junta since the coup until 15 September 2023, a further 192 female NLD members were arrested and 84 had their homes sealed off in the same period.

She also pointed out that women in the NLD party actively participate in various aspects of the revolution, including armed revolution, public administration, vocational education, and the provision of medical assistance.

She said: “The women’s organisation promises civilians that it will work hard to establish federalism and democracy.”

She added that because the junta has been carrying out targeted arrests many NLD party members have been forced to flee their homes.

According to the NLD, since the coup, the junta has detained 15,838 civilians, of those 1,769 were NLD members. 4,011 civilians have been killed in custody, of those 97 were NLD members. The junta has also confiscated the properties and assets of 688 people and of those 373 were NLD members.