As violence increases in southeast Myanmar international aid decreases

Temporary tents

Temporary tents of local residents from villages in Pu Law Township, Tanintharyi Region 

International responses to the multiple crises unfolding in Myanmar have dramatically slowed, yet the violence has not, according to the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM).

As the third anniversary of the Myanmar military coup approaches HURFOM remains deeply concerned about the state of human rights in Myanmar. In the areas of southeast Myanmar where HURFOM operates people continue to suffer.

Inflation has crippled livelihoods, and ongoing conflict has made survival a daily struggle. Anyone, at any time, could be killed. This reality has resulted in widespread fear and uncertainty.

On 25 September 2023, the junta’s 306th Artillery Battalion based in Eastern Maw Tone Village, Tanintharyi Township, in Tanintharyi Region, indiscriminately launched numerous artillery attacks that killed a villager. The Battalion shot 81 mm artillery weapons at least ten times, targeting the Eastern Maw Tone Village Tract. One of the artillery shells dropped and exploded in a house and immediately killed a 30-year-old victim.

“He tried to close his front door as he heard artillery gunfire. The artillery shell dropped and exploded directly where he was. We called to send him to hospital, but he died of excessive bleeding within minutes,” said a villager from Eastern Maw Tone.

Artillery explosions also took place in Eastern Maw Tone, Za Lone, Htone Nwe, and Ban La Mut villages, and two houses in Eastern Maw Tone were destroyed by artillery. There were no armed clashes in the area before the indiscriminate artillery attacks occurred, which is often the case for many junta artillery attacks.

During the first week of October, more than 30 homes and nearly 20 vehicles were destroyed by the military junta, and five local residents were shot in Pu Law, Tanintharyi Region.

Myanmar Army troops who entered Latt Ku and Toe villages burned down 33 houses in Pu Law Township, Myeik District. Seventeen houses were in Latt Ku Village, seven in Pyin Phyu Village, four in Mya Dong Village, and five in Pe Tud Village in Toe Village Group. Almost 20 vehicles and equipment, such as motorcycles, cars, tricycles, and tractors, were also destroyed in fires deliberately set by the junta.

In addition, the local residents reported that five civilians were shot and killed by the military junta troops. No less than 10 houses were damaged by artillery weapons and homes were destroyed in the two villages. On the fourth day, when the military reinforced their troops, there were fierce battles with the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) and eight casualties from the PDF side.

Meanwhile, the ongoing arbitrary arrests, followed by baseless charges, are of additional concern to HURFOM. Two locals arrested by the military in Mawlamyine and Thaton in Mon State have been charged under the Anti-Terrorist Act, according to people close to their families.