Chin group says 528 of their people killed since 2021 Myanmar military coup


The Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) stated on 10 October that 528 individuals from the Chin ethnic group in Myanmar have tragically lost their lives due to human rights violations and acts of violence since the illegal takeover by the junta.

From 1 February 2021 to 1 October, 2023, the junta’s offensive attack, airstrikes, and shelling resulted in the loss of 217 Chin civilians and 311 Chin defense force soldiers.

Salai Van Sui San, the deputy director of ICA, said, “This report is derived from information collected by local ICA staff and verified by local residents. The statement is also based on statements from the Chin Defense Forces and the verification of comments from locals. It should be noted that this information encompasses the entire Chin State.”

According to Salai Van Sui San, it is crucial for international organizations to take prompt and effective action rather than remaining passive and issuing statements. He emphasizes that these incidents are not limited to the Chin people alone, but affect all ethnic groups in Myanmar.

According to the statement, out of the 217 civilians who lost their lives due to airstrikes, land mines, and artillery shelling, 38 were female and 179 were male.

It is also mentioned that there were approximately 750 battles between the Chin State, which was resisting the military coup. These battles resulted in the deaths of 311 Chin defense forces soldiers, including 15 females and 296 males.

Additionally, more than 2,100 homes and buildings belonging to Chin people were torched, while at least 101 religious buildings were destroyed.

Salai Van Sui San also urged the revolution leaders to carefully consider the political strategy for the Chin revolution, taking into account the sacrifices made by the Chin nationals in terms of lives and property. The aim is to ensure that the revolution brings about political benefits for the Chin people.

He further emphasized the importance of civilian cooperation with local defense forces to establish anti-aircraft defenses such as digging trenches. This measure is aimed at minimizing casualties resulting from the ongoing airstrikes carried out by the regime.

It is crucial that strict action be taken in accordance with international laws, as the military regime’s actions of torture go against the principles outlined in the International Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention. To address this issue, the International Chin Alliance (ICA) has been actively engaging with relevant international organizations. They have been consistently providing information and evidence to these organizations as part of their campaign to seek justice and hold the regime accountable for their actions, according to the ICA.