Former NLD politician representing Thayarwaddy released in amnesty, then re-arrested


Aung Myint, a National League for Democracy (NLD) Pyithu Hluttaw Representative for Thayarwaddy Town, Bago District from the 2020 Election, who was granted clemency on 4 January to mark the country’s 76th Independence Day, has been re-arrested by the Township Police Chief, according to a local resident.

Aung Myint had previously received a two-year prison sentence from the Thayarwaddy Prison Court under Article (25) of the Natural Disaster Management Law. This sentence was imposed after his arrest during a house raid on the night of 10 February, 2021, by the military regime.

Although he was released on 1 November, 2022, he was not allowed to return home. Instead, he was taken to the Thayarwaddy Prison Court, where he faced further charges, this time under Section 505 (a) of the penal code.

His 4 January release was short-lived. “He was released again, but this time he was subsequently taken to the Township Police Chief’s Office. The specific charges against him this time are still unknown,” said a source from Thayarwaddy.

A total of 151 inmates, comprising 138 males and 13 females, were released from Thayarwaddy Prison on 4 January, as reported by a source within the prison. Among those released were four political prisoners, including three males and one female, which included Aung Myint.

Additionally, a source with close ties to the prison confirmed that Aung Myint had been re-arrested.

Aung Myint previously served as the Thayarwaddy Pyithu Hluttaw representative for the NLD and held the position of chairman of the Township NLD party. He had also been arrested during the 1988 uprising and had spent more than ten years in Thayarwaddy Prison.

As per information gathered by Mizzima, a total of 101 individuals, comprising 100 prisoners convicted in non-political cases and one political prisoner, were released from Pyi Prison in the Bago region on 4 January.

Furthermore, a source from Taungoo Prison in the Bago region has reported the release of 146 prisoners, with no political prisoners included.